Caraline joined Vantage in 2024 as an intern. She is a 2022 graduate of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she received her B.S. in Psychology, with university honors and the distinction of Excellence in Research. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Baruch College in Manhattan, New York. She researches the validity of selection criteria for public safety officials and emerging selection tools. With a background in social cognition and program evaluation, she hopes to use her experience to inform and evaluate organizational selection, assessment, and development processes.
She has authored and co-authored several academic articles, short papers, and blogs for leading journals and associations, such as Scientific Reports (5th most cited journal globally) and the American Evaluation Association. She is a member of Blacks in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and was given their first Student Award for Excellence in I-O Psychology.
Outside of work, Caraline is a proud lifelong Girl Scout of 16 years and a McNair Scholar. She is also a lover of baking, travel, and anything Motown.