Assessment Centers are the most comprehensive predictor of how leaders will perform in their role, both now and in the future.
Group evaluations for selection and development have proven to be a highly effective way to observe how individuals perform in real-world business scenarios, under pressure, and with their peers.
Vantage has a long history of developing and facilitating customized Assessment Centers across a wide range of industries.
- Uses a team of assessors to jointly observe and evaluate multiple candidates engaged in tasks and problem-solving situations.
- Creates a “Day in the Life” business simulation whereby participants discuss and demonstrate their approach via testing, interviews, business cases, and role plays.
- Yields real-time recommendations for advancement/hire, potential, and development.
- Provides a developmental feedback report and coaching session for each candidate
- Is fully customizable to the needs of your organization.
Questions about the assessment center process? Reach out to us. We offer individual leadership assessments and team assessments as well.

Spotlight Feature
Embedding organizational capability is important. Click on the spotlight feature below to learn more about how we train organizations to become masters of executive assessment.
Selecting the best Senior Reactor Operators (SROs) is among the most important talent decisions you make in a Nuclear Power Plant. Given the highly regulated environment and considerable investment in the Initial Licensing Training program, you can’t afford costly mistakes.
Based on our extensive experience with Utilities and Nuclear Generation, we understand the unique skill-set that an SRO needs to be successful, and we have proven that an Assessment Center is particularly well-suited for identifying candidates who not only have leadership potential, but who will successfully navigate the challenges and rigors of the extensive ILT program. Through our assessment practices, we increase the completion rate for those participating in ILT programs, reduce the costs resulting from poor selection decisions, and identify candidates who can effectively supervise and lead others as SROs.
- Enhances legal defensibility
- Yields feedback and facilitates development to increase readiness for promotion
- Accelerates on-boarding and assimilation of new leaders
- Creates greater consistency across the organization; reinforces consistent expectations for emerging leaders
- Increases participants’ buy-in to the process and results because of customized and realistic job simulations.
- Develops a talent pipeline for future plant leadership positions