Here are a couple of questions that almost invariably stop a conversation in its tracks:
“Who was the Best Boss you ever worked for? And why?”
Vantage, in partnership with LEADwell LLC, posed these and a few other questions to sixty professionals via our Best Boss Experience survey to learn what Best Bosses can teach us about great leadership:
- Best Boss leadership traits powerfully influence individual performance, engagement, retention and development
- Best Bosses create a pay-it-forward leadership legacy
- Best Bosses profoundly impact us professionally and personally
There are five interrelated leadership traits present in each Best Boss Experience:

Best Boss Experiences in Your Organization
We bring the Best Boss conversation to your organization through an engaging workshop. Participants hear powerful stories of other Best Boss Experiences, are asked to reflect on their own stories, learn about Best Boss leadership behaviors, and finally connect the Best Boss Experience to a larger discussion around employee retention, engagement, and development.
At the end of the workshop, participants discuss how to incorporate the Best Boss System into their own personal leadership brand. This workshop is easily customized to fit the needs of any leadership group or organization.
Contact us to talk about how you can put the Best Boss Experience to work.
Watch Peggy Troy, CEO of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin tell her story:
Watch Duncan Ferguson talk about the origin of the Best Boss Experience:
Do You Have a Best Boss Story to Tell?
We are continuing to collect stories to study the Best Boss Experience (over 350 to date!) and would love to hear yours. To do so, please click on the button below. You will have the opportunity to answer six open-ended questions regarding your Best Boss Experience.
The questionnaire will take about 15-20 minutes to complete, and all responses will be kept confidential.
The work you are doing is so important. The value of having a ‘Best Boss’ is huge and has lasting positive implications for the person being managed.
The entire session really resonated with me. Good, useful information with a presentation style that was interactive and engaging. I always feel that it's helpful to use real-life examples and stories to convey a message.