Our business began 45 years ago with assessing key external candidates for hire—and that core expertise remains foundational to the work we do.
We have a unique perspective on world-class talent, and our experienced assessors compare each candidate to benchmarked industry norms that can easily be mapped to your organization’s competency model. These include:
- Consistently delivering extraordinary results
- Establishing and driving significant enterprise change
- Attracting and developing outstanding talent
- Providing thought leadership
- Demonstrating real leadership presence
- Building high-performing teams
Just as great leaders help reduce uncertainty in their organizations, we aim to decrease the uncertainty involved with your hiring, promotion, and succession planning decisions.

- Hiring and promoting managers and executives
- Evaluating bench strength and auditing the management team
- Identifying and accelerating high-potential leaders
- Planning for succession
Individual Assessments
Include a comprehensive interview and test battery, and are used for both the selection of external candidates and promotional decision making. Our feedback can jumpstart on-boarding and drive development planning.
360° Assessments
are conducted using either MRG’s Leadership Effectiveness Analysis online survey, or through a series of interviews. This type of assessment is best suited for the identification and development of internal leadership talent – accelerating high-potential leaders and readying successor candidates.
Learn More
- The specifics of our assessments are customized every time. Contact us to learn more about how our process would work for you.
- Looking for information on simulation-based assessments? Check out our assessment centers.

Spotlight Feature
Embedding organizational capability is important. Click on the spotlight feature below to learn more about how we train organizations to become masters of executive assessment.
Many companies provide training on how to conduct fair, legal, and productive interviews, but know little about asking the right questions to separate good candidates from exceptional ones.
Vantage offers a Master Assessor Program (MAP) that combines highly interactive classroom training with supervised interviews in a process that helps individuals become assessment experts. This program can be implemented throughout the company to build capability in talent management and decision making, ensuring that those charged with making the right calls do so confidently and consistently.
“Vantage’s Master Assessor Program (MAP) has improved our ability to objectively assess candidates for hire and individuals we are considering for promotion. We have embedded superior assessment capability within our Human Resources management team and our recruitment group. Consequently, we have strengthened our talent identification skills and our ability to hire the caliber of leadership needed to achieve our strategic objectives.”
– Jerry Guinane, Vice President of Human Resources, Swedish American Health System