Q: What did you want to be when you were small? A: I wanted to voice cartoons. Then I wanted to be a physicist – school trips to Fermi Lab will do that to you. For a moment in college I was a French major. At some point in school I tried psychology and it resonated with me the most.
Q: What’s your favorite family tradition? A: In January we celebrate Día de los Reyes. The main event of that day is watching a dozen people take turns cutting into a pastry (la rosca) and desperately trying not to get the piece with a figurine hidden inside. Whoever gets the figurine has the “honor” of hosting the next party.
Q: What was a moment from your childhood that made you feel especially proud of yourself? A: The moments when I got out of my comfort zone all come to mind: first time riding a bike without training wheels, first time trying out for a team, first school play…
Q: Who was a leader you admired growing up, and what’s one thing you learned from them? A: The first leaders in my life—my parents—taught me resilience. Few things in life go as planned so it’s important to learn the discipline of staying calm and trying new tactics until you figure it out.
Q: What is the best gift you have been given? A: This is a gift I gave myself, but we adopted a dog during the pandemic. Research suggests pet owners are healthier and I agree. They get you moving, reduce stress, and bring so much joy. How could you not feel better when a little furry face greets you at the door?
Q: If you had a warning label, what would yours say? A: Warning: she will feel compelled to share some random trivia related to whatever topic you’re discussing. The topic doesn’t matter and neither does your interest in said trivia.
Q: What’s a skill or habit you’ve picked up recently that you’re proud of? A: This has been a few years in the making, but I would say establishing (and keeping) a regular sleep and exercise schedule. Consistency really is the key ingredient to health.
Q: What’s one piece of leadership advice you would give to your younger self? A: Depends on how young we’re talking. In my formative years? I’d tell her, learn to recognize when to be a part of the team and when to steer the ship. Don’t be afraid to try the latter more often.
Q: What’s your secret talent or something you’re good at that people might not know? A: Probably…internet sleuthing? In another life I may have been a PI.
Q: What’s a small win you’re celebrating this week? A: We are so close to finishing a home improvement project, which we decided to mainly do ourselves. That was probably a mistake. I can see the finish line! I can also see myself never painting another wall again.