Developing a pipeline of world-class leaders is critical to an organization’s success.
Vantage can help you build a strong leadership bench, thoughtfully plan for succession, and help senior leadership assume accountability for the succession planning process.
Through close collaboration, we will:
- Clarify expectations around the need for world class talent.
- Differentiate “great” leadership from “good enough” and provide resources and training to embed a framework for differentiation in your organization.
- Identify key leadership roles and responsibilities vital to the success of the organization.
- Establish a competency model that aligns with the organization’s strategic goals.
- Facilitate a systematic leadership audit on successor candidates that accurately and fairly describes their readiness, willingness, and capacity to assume bigger roles and responsibilities.
- Help establish a robust and relevant development plan for those leaders identified as successor candidates to ensure their success.
We also provide executive coaching to accelerate the development of successor candidates.
Take a look below at our Spotlight Feature on Bench Strength Audits to learn more about the value of taking an assessment of the depth and breadth of current leadership talent.
Contact us to talk more about succession planning.

Spotlight Feature
Embedding organizational capability is important. Click on the spotlight feature below to learn more about how we train organizations to become masters of executive assessment.
Understanding and strategically managing the level of talent throughout your organization allows business to move forward with certainty. Determining the viability or existence of succession candidates is only part of a bench strength audit. Often, an impending or recent change – in team leaders, in the organization’s structure, or because of mergers and acquisitions – will force companies to take a reactive stance on their talent strategy.
Proactively performing a bench strength audit can equip you and your organization with a deep understanding of whether or not you have the talent needed to accomplish your business goals now and into the future.
Vantage can deliver an unbiased assessment of your leadership bench strength, leaving you with a clear picture of what it looks like for a particular team, in a department, or throughout your organization. We then continue to collaborate with you, offering recommendations and providing support for continued improvement. Our goal is to help organizations be proactive and deliberate about ensuring that their talent pipeline is strong enough to support their growing and ever-changing business needs.