VantagePoint Blog

Two hands adjusting white sliding buttons on a sound mixing board

Interview with Carl Robinson: “Locus of Control” and The Next Normal – Implications for Leaders

writing with highlighter on desk

5 Best Practices for Creating a Leadership Development Plan

A doctor holding a stethoscope face-up (hand and stethoscope far in the foreground). The face of the stethoscope says "CEO" on it in coral lettering.

Pulse Check: Leadership Development in Academic Medical Centers

Sky blue background with recycling logo laid out in brown paper, with a transparent image of two hands shaking overlaid (one white, one Black)

The Three R’s of COVID 2.0: Remote, Retention & Realignment

Photo of two wooden art model dummies facing each other, each holding a white puzzle piece, as if they're going to fit them together. Background is a wooden fence painted in a muted rainbow of colors.

The Perfect Match: How to Assess for Culture Fit While Minimizing Bias

Photo of a glass of water leaving a hand and spilling; and a goldfish leaping out with the water

“There Is No Playbook For This”: Vantage’s Founding Partner Reflects on How 2020 Changed Leadership

Three rows of potted plants with seedlings in various stages of growth, viewed from above

Making Leadership Development Programs Work For Your Organization: 6 Best Practices

Blue, orange, pink, and yellow paint splattered across a white background, with a hand reaching for a paintbrush

The Case for Creativity in Leadership

A hiker wearing a backpack and hat staring at the horizon, obscured by clouds

You Can Take It With You: Leadership Lessons to Carry Into 2021

Two sets of Jenga blocks with a gap between them. A yellow game piece sits atop one stack and a black game piece atop the other.

What Do You Do With a World Divided?

“We’re (Not Really) Fine”: The Disproportionate Effect of Pandemic Burnout on Female Leaders

Lightbulb leading to thought bubbles

The Magic Delegation-O-Meter: Assessing Team Talent and Capability